Books for Adults

Materials are available in the languages listed below at the FCL Farmington Hills location (32737 West 12 Mile Road) . Languages marked with a star are also available at the FCL Farmington location (23500 Liberty Street). Please check our catalog for the location of specific items, or call either location to ask about items in a specific language.

Languages Available:

Albanian Korean
Arabic *Marathi
Chinese Persian
Dutch Polish
*French Russian
German *Spanish
Gujarati *Tamil
Hebrew *Telugu
*Hindi Ukrainian 
Japanese Urdu

Books for Children

Materials are available in the languages listed below at the FCL Farmington Hills location (32737 West 12 Mile Road) . Languages marked with a star are also available at the FCL Farmington location (23500 Liberty Street). Please check our catalog for the location of specific items, or call either location to ask about items in a specific language.

Languages Available:

Albanian Marathi
*Arabic Persian
Bengali Polish
*Chinese Punjabi
*French Russian
*German *Spanish
Gujarati *Tamil
Hebrew *Telugu
*Hindi Turkish
Italian Ukrainian
*Japanese Urdu
Korean Vietnamese

International Film Collection

Materials are available in the languages listed below at the FCL Farmington Hills location (32737 West 12 Mile Road). Languages marked with a star are also available at the FCL Farmington location (23500 Liberty Street).

*Afrikaans *Hindi *Norwegian
Albanian Hungarian Pashtu
Amharic Icelandic *Persian
*Arabic *Indonesian *Polish
Armenian *Irish *Portuguese
Belarusian *Italian Punjabi
Bengali *Japanese *Romanian
*Bulgarian Kannada *Russian
*Cantonese Kazajo Serbian
*Chinese Kazakh Serbo-Croation
Czech *Korean Slovak
*Danish Kurdish *Spanish
*Dutch *Lao *Swedish
Estonian Latvian Tagalog
*Farsi Lithuanian *Tamil
Filipino Macedonian *Telugu
*Finnish Malay *Thai
Flemish Malayalam Tibetan
*French *Maltese *Turkish
Georgian *Mandarin Urdu
*German Marathi Vietnamese
Greek Mongolian *Welsh
  Nauvhal Xhosa
*Hebrew Northern Sotho Yiddish

International Magazines and Newspapers

These items are available at our Farmington Hills location only:

  • Grahashobha (Hindi)
  • Sarita (Hindi)
  • Swati (Telugu)
  • Detroit Express (Russian)

International Titles in English

  • Arab American News
  • Chaldean News
  • India Abroad
  • India Today