Use the phone directory below to direct-dial the specific department you are contacting. You may also call our main number, (248) 553-0300, and select from our menu options or press zero to speak with an attendant.
FCL Farmington Hills
Circulation Department: (248) 553-0300
Adult/Teen Information: (248) 553-6880
Children’s Information: (248) 848-4315
Meeting Room Rentals: (248) 553-0320 - or visit our online meeting room reservation page
Curbside Pickup: (248) 553-0300 ext.350 - or visit our curbside pickup page
FCL Farmington
Circulation Department: (248) 553-0321
Adult/Teen Information: (248) 553-0321 ext. 250
Children’s Information: (248) 553-0321 ext. 220
Meeting Room Rentals: (248) 553-0320 - or visit our online meeting room reservation page
Curbside Pickup: (248) 553-0321 ext. 215 - or visit our curbside pickup page
Not sure who to contact? Send us a message by submitting the form below and we will get you in touch with the right department. If you are looking for information regarding material donations to the Friends Sale please visit this page.